Jumper: Huk (BB), Bodychain: UO, Playsuit: Vintage, Boots: Vintage, Watch: Marc by Marc Jacobs
Off for an other half family roast dinner tonight so I've gone very family friendly and almost aggressively inoffensive. The jumper is new...and I wasn't supposed to be buying anything new in Februrary EXCEPT I went to a charity races night on Friday and won a blackberry in the raffle! It was amazing, it's so nice just to have something good happen to you out of the blue. But anyways I have a blinging HTC I adore:

so the Blackberry is going straight on eBay which has freed me a little capital which I shall promptly be squandering - keep a look out for the "(BB)" to see what I decide is worth my free monies.
I love the bodychain! And what a good raffle prize.