That's pre and post-coatage because finally the weather is perking up enough I'm not constantly be-parka-ed. Few of my golden oldies here, the boots my mum gave me years ago when cowboy boots were last 'in' and they're amazing.
The bag is commonly known as my 'naked ladies' bag because when you look closer:

Sweeeeeet. I found it in Traid in Hammersmith yonks ago and have loved it ever since, even though it's really getting grubby. Bizarrely enough I think it started life as a give-away because the press studs have the Kerastase 'K' logo on them.
And finally,

The 'struggle' necklace. I found it going for about a quid on some random jewellery stall in China, all by itself. I like to think some Chinese girl out there was trying to find an English name that meant something like 'hope through adversity', or 'to strive is wonderful' but through the power of Google Translate ended up with 'struggle' (This isn't me being horribly patronizing or anything, I've taught kids in China called Magic, Tiger, Happy, Onion etc. They have a healthy disrespect for our language norms).
Gosh what a lot of chat. Sorry about my face, when I smile I look like some sort of loopy clown.
Bag: Traid, jacket: Japan somewhere, Jumper: Topman, Belt: off my mum, Maxi-dress as mini-skirt (you don't see that often): China, socks: Pretty Polly (from Superdrug of all places) and boots: off my mum.
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