Scarf: ?? Your guess is as good as mine, Minimono: Japan, Grey cardi: H&M via the floor at our house party, Silk top: vintage, Jeans: Topshop, Boots: Kate Kanzier
As you can see today's outfit is another variation of the mini-kimono (the minimono), I tend to do that, I get an idea in my head and just want to run with it. I added it to yesterdays outfit as well - post-blog picture time.
Thought of the Day anyone? I was having a read over at I Want You To Know and Kristabel had posted about the crazy number of photos of herself on her computer and asking if people feel silly taking so many photos of themselves - often with a camera perched precariously on various household objects to achieve the desired height (just me? oh well...). I always feel a bit silly and cross my fingers every time that the people in the office across the alley from our sitting room aren't looking. But it's not too bad because this blog is totally secret, the only person who knows about it is the boyf and he's totally sworn to secrecy. BUT this got me thinking, why do I keep it so secret? And I guess the reason is I don't really feel worth having a self style blog, I'm not some amazingly natty dresser and my photos aren't wacky out there photoshoot style affairs. But I persist because I like this type of blog on other people. I like seeing how normal people get dressed everyday. Um, so there. I guess.
I wonder what the blogger secrecy rate is like?
Lovely outfit! I didn't tell anybody about my blog for quite a while, but once I'd been posting for a few months I felt weirdly pleased with myself and then did. Now I carry around business cards! Feels a bit strange for what is a kind of vanity project.